2025 resolutions. More relaxed plans

It is true that the life we are living nowadays is more nuanced than in previous times for most of us, and this often causes us to feel pressure about our needs and desires, our long or short-term goals.I would advise that in the New Year, in order to achieve some of your goals for

Are we wrong to give our child too much?

What is the child’s place in the family? Of course, with the arrival of the child in the family, the dynamics of life change radically for adults in both their marital and parental roles. Predominantly, the latter role will require the couple, the family as a whole, to “prove their mastery” in making room for


A little while ago, a lady asked me, full of frustration, why she can’t see the “half full” of the glass and feel “as she should”, joy and gratitude for what she experiences in life and not feel powerlessness, insecurity, guilt, disappointment caused by the strained relationship with bosses and clients! I yawned in amazement

Singlehood an increasingly common status

Specialists in the field of psychotherapy have researched celibacy as a transitional stage in a person’s life stages, relational or marital, a demographic indicator. Globally, celibacy has gained momentum in the last decade. More and more people are staying or deciding to be single. Studies show that singleness is tending to become a phenomenon that

The importance of friendship for emotional health

Friendship is a relationship based on mutual care and concern, but it is also a key component of social health, of how we interact and relate to others. Friendship is the chance for each of us to be part of a community, to form deep bonds. Friendship can only grow in the context of existing

Spontaneous or planned sex

As psychologist Katarina Kovacevic and her colleagues at York University (Canada) point out in an article they recently published in The Journal of Sex Research, most people believe that spontaneous sex is more satisfying than planned sex. In general, this myth has been created using scenes from movies: spontaneous sex = hot, passionate and impulsive.

The consequences of fear on our relationships and our bodies

1.When we feel fear constantly, its manifestations are feelings of dread, anxiety and often avoidant behavior. When we feel fear, we end up avoiding almost everything related to relationships, confrontations, assumptions and so on. In couple, marital or family relationships, fear manifests itself in avoiding discussions about emotional issues, about the partner, about the relationship

How does repressed anger manifest

How does repressed anger manifest itself in the human body and what effects does it have on couple or family relationships? There are several ways you can identify when you are repressing anger: 1.           Through passive-aggressive behaviors When a person represses their anger for a long time, it can be externalized at some point through

How addiction is creeping into our lives

Beautiful TV pictures lobby alcohol consumption and gambling. How addiction is creeping into our lives   The human brain can be addicted to everything from sugar and caffeine to heroin. The difference is only in the intensity of the drug itself, but also in the fact that humans are in a constant relationship with someone

Guilt as emotion not fact

Guilt as emotion not fact   Guilt is one of the most present emotions in people's lives.   We learn it culturally, morally and psychologically in the context of social life, family and our own experiences.   Unfortunately, culturally, guilt has such a strong resonance and root that it is taught in family, parent-child relationships.

Family and couple psychotherapy

Family and couple psychotherapy   The family is every individual's greatest resource. It makes us happy and sad, long before we become independent in our lives. Without family we would not exist, we would feel abandoned, hopeless, without identity, and our struggle with life would be unending and exhausting. Sooner or later all families face

Basic about Genogram

Basic about Genogram   Some of you may be wondering what it's like in a psychotherapy session and what happens beyond the words? Intuitively or by hearsay you want methods or techniques that you can use immediately to solve your problems. I, as a systemic psychotherapist use a tool called GENOGRAM in my approach to

What does time mean for the couple relationship?

What does time mean for the couple relationship?   At the beginning of a relationship, in a couple, besides the "milk and honey" that you think will flow daily to keep the harmony, there are some states of affairs that, in some way, it is implied will always be present. So, the two, are sure

The importance of sleep for emotional and physical health

The importance of sleep for emotional and physical health   A sober pace of life and a balanced schedule always depend on how we are organized, how aware we are of our inner limits and patterns.   Rules are important and their role is to bring stability into our lives and leave room for flexibility.

The Genogram help in couple therapy

The Genogram help in couple therapy   I've started to share some useful facts about the Genogram, my favorite tool in psychotherapy. It helps me establish a good connection with my clients. The tool is designed to create 3 points of dialogue for many of the life situations my clients come to therapy with.  

The emotional merry-go-round and some life-saving solutions

The emotional merry-go-round and some life-saving solutions   Have you ever thought that sometimes approaching certain life situations with humor might help you make a smoother transition? Someone said to me in a therapy session, "I'm very afraid. I don't know what's going to happen, and this fear of the unknown overwhelms me. That's how

Sexual identity – a war with the self

Sexual identity - a war with the self   In recent years there has been an increasing variability in the emotional and/or sexual relational dimensions. For the self alone, more than verbally, many people express astonishment, surprise or even indignation at this so-called phenomenon. Some blame it on Western trends, others on too much freedom,

Red and white flags for a couple relationship

Red and white flags for a couple relationship   Behaviors that are problematic for a future healthy relationship (red flags):   1. The period of falling in love lasts from about 6 months to 1.5 years. After this period, the relationship between two partners naturally also needs another form of emotional support, based on emotional

Plans as a coping mechanism

Plans as a coping mechanism   New plans free the brain from anxiety. For our mental health, it's important to be able, especially in these strange days, after many others of pandemonium, to be able to focus on the most important things in our lives.   Planning activities that do something other than sustain panic

Phone addiction and the parent’s example

Phone addiction and the parent’s example   Phones and video games should not be demonized. There is a lot of negative talk about these tools (gadgets) and this, unfortunately, will make some people either deny reality or abuse it.   In the pandemic times we live in, the home has become for many parents, the